Planning a Funeral

A friend of mine always says that Estate Sales are just fancy garage sales and he could not be farther from the truth. Good estate sale companies have many contacts and experience in selling the many possessions that seniors collect throughout the years. When I interview estate sale contacts I am always amazed on the items they see as "valuable" and some items I would see as "high worth" have little if any value.

"We can't believe how much we received from the estate sale profits. We paid for Mom & Dad's move to the senior living facility and added some $ to their savings which is great and the estate sale comapany did the work" 

Planning a Funeral

Preplanning a funeral has been described as one of the best gifts you can buy your relatives / friends. This takes a huge load off their chest and they can concentrate on grieving and the other details that are involved in this process. Prepaying a funeral is paying (or an estimation) for the funeral ahead of time. Preplanning and prepaying go hand in hand but both can be done separately. 

Decisions that need to be made:

  1. Pick a Funeral Home (which will pick up the body)
  2. Burial or Cremation
  3. Viewing/Visitation or Not
  4. Coffin or Not
  5. Type of Funeral 

    • Traditional – Funeral home viewing / church or funeral home service and cemetery service.
    • Direct Cremation – No embalming is needed or required and a memorial service can be held in a couple of days of even a month or two later.
    • Direct Burial – No viewing or visitation and embalming is not needed or required and the memorial service usual follows at either burial site or later
    • Home Burial – Legal in all but 8 states and is a small but growing option.

Action Step: If you preplan / pre-fund your funeral please let relatives and or friends know where the information is kept. A safety deposit box is probably not the best place to keep the information due to deaths on weekends or holidays.

Action Step: If you choose cremation and are not interested in a “showing” then you do not need to embalm the deceased and incur the cost.

Golden Nugget: Cremation in the US has gone from 3% of all deaths in 1960 to an estimated 45% today. Nevada leads the country with almost 75% while Mississippi is still around 10%. The major reasons for the increase include many factors including religion (Catholicism outlawed cremation until 1963), family and cost.

Funeral Planning Video

6 minute YouTube Video describing the mechanics of a great estate sale.

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Estate Law