Seniors & Prescription Drugs
A friend of mine always says that Estate Sales are just fancy garage sales and he could not be farther from the truth. Good estate sale companies have many contacts and experience in selling the many possessions that seniors collect throughout the years. When I interview estate sale contacts I am always amazed on the items they see as "valuable" and some items I would see as "high worth" have little if any value.
"We can't believe how much we received from the estate sale profits. We paid for Mom & Dad's move to the senior living facility and added some $ to their savings which is great and the estate sale comapany did the work"
Seniors & Prescription Drugs
Prescription Drugs can make up a significant amount of a senior’s expenses and can be a big part of their health. There are a few key tips that help manage the prescription drug landscape and hopefully can save you money.
- Generics: Generics now make up over 75% of the prescriptions based in the US. It is not only your right but smart to always ask if a generic exists. If the physician prescribes a drug without a generic available it is also okay to ask if a comparable drug would work that has a generic. There are sometimes situations however when a new medication comes out that is better than previous drugs and that is time to use the brand name drug.
- Splitting Pills: Many drug stores and physicians will sometimes recommend “pill splitting” with a medication and pharmacies even sell the splitters (they sometimes give them away). Some patients are concerned about this practice but it happens more and more due to prices and dosage forms from drug manufacturers.
- Pill Containers: There are many seniors with multiple medications and there are now lots of ways to store and organize them. It really depends on the number of the pills to be taken and the condition of the patient on what system the senior uses. There are some with alarms built in that remind the patient when to take their medications. Missing medication doses is a real issue with some seniors and can have dire results.
Action Step: I can’t emphasize enough that your pharmacist is a great-underutilized resource that can help you with everything from side effects, drug interactions to helping you pick a Medicare part D plan.
Golden Nugget: Some US citizens are getting their prescription drugs from Canadian pharmacies and are claiming to save hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Technically it is not legal but as long as a US citizen is bringing back or acquiring a 90 day supply or less it is usually viewed as okay. The savings can be big, but do so at your own discretion and I would adhere to the 90 days.
Assisted Living Video
6 minute YouTube Video describing the mechanics of a great estate sale.