5 Year “Look Back” Medicaid Rule

When seniors run out of assets (usually less than $2k to $3k) state Medicaid programs will pay for skilled nursing for residents that require that type of care. There are caveats that not all skilled care facilities (most people refer to them as nursing homes) accept the state Medicaid rate and facilities have the option to limit the number of “Medicaid Beds” they accept.

What most people do not realize that the state Medicaid programs can and do “look back” five years to see if any assets were transferred (given) to family members and/or friends. If there are assets that are found that were transferred it will delay the period before that senior is eligible to receive a “Medicaid free skilled nursing bed”. The usual formula is the amount gifted divided by the average skilled nursing rate per month in that state (eg $7k per month). An example is a gift of $70k with a average monthly skilled nursing bed cost of $7k would be a delay of 10 months for that senior before getting their Medicaid benefit.

If you feel that this is a situation that your family could encounter I would recommend seeing a Medicaid planner or an elder car lawyer.

The link below is “Paying for SeniorCare” and is a wealth of information if you want more information on this important topic.


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